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Thema: M1797 Espada de Caballerķa (

Geschrieben von: iv2006 am: 26.06.12, 17:28:28
Espada de Caballerķa Modelo 1797

was the last pattern developed from the heavy rapiers. Steel
half-bowl guard, wooden handle covered with the brass wire.

The blade is unfullered and double edged.

blade length: 86 cm
width: 29 mm
maker: Toledo factory

Geschrieben von: Zietenhusar am: 01.07.12, 07:00:38
Hello Ivan,

a nice and interesting sword. I am surprised that swords were still produced in this form in young time. I them would have arranged at least 100 years earlier.

best regards,

Geschrieben von: iv2006 am: 02.07.12, 14:31:45
Hello Thomas,

Thank you veru much for the comment. Yes, Spanish cavalry swords
look very unusual compared to other European countries, which did
not used rapiers from the end of 17th century.

That's why I like them. I have cavalry pallasches from different
European countries, and the Spanish swords one of my favorite.

Best regards,